Tools for Formative Assessment
Students can only improve as writers and thinkers if they get feedback before their writing is final — at the draft stage. Zoom In helps you give timely feedback when it matters most.
Interactive, standards-based rubrics
Score and respond to student essays using an interactive, standards-based rubric aligned with the Common Core, C3, PARCC, and Smarter Balanced frameworks.
Monitor student progress
Look across your class to see where students are in their reading and note-taking. Adjust your pacing and identify students who need help.
Quickly scan student notes
Scan and tag students’ notes to get “low-inference data” about their levels of text comprehension. Adjust your instruction accordingly, for example, by re-grouping students based on their needs.

“Zoom In was a great way to authentically see the unique learning strengths and needs of each student.”
—Rachael Collins, Eighth Grade Social Studies Teacher, California