Evidence-Based Writing
Moving from notes to an organized and well-supported essay is a heavy lift for adolescent writers — and for their teachers.
Templates for argumentative and explanatory essays
Zoom In templates help scaffold student writing, using interactive outlines, tips, and sentence starters. Teachers can differentiate instruction by assigning individual students either a high or low level of writing support.
Multiple drafts make perfect
After students draft their essays, they review them using a student-friendly interactive rubric, with categories found in the Common Core, C3, PARCC, and Smarter Balanced frameworks.
Not just any essays – historical essays
Zoom In asks students to both write and read the way that historians do. Each essay calls for historical background — context — in the first paragraph, in order to orient the reader to what was happening at the time. When students cite an author and document as support, they are asked to provide information about the author that will help explain his or her perspective on the topic.

“Zoom In’s writing scaffolds allowed my students to take the nuts and bolts out and really focus on that sophistication that leads them to a higher level of thinking.”
—Jennifer Bremmer, Eighth Grade Social Studies Teacher, California